Available in this release
Various bug fixes and improvements are included in this release. Product improvements available are:
Advanced auto-allocation of assessments
Manually assigning assessment jobs to your motor vehicle assessment teams is a skill in itself. Save a significant amount of time, rework and potentially unhappy teammates by relying on Arnie to do it for you. Auto-allocation rules consider:
- Starting locations of your assessors each day of the week i.e. office or another location
- Nearest job location
- Leave the assignment of teammates
- Delegated authority limits (repair amounts)
- Capacity and availability
- Assessments located at the same location i.e. repairer
- Onsite assessments as a priority, "topped up" with other assessments including digital
- Simply 'drag and drop' jobs that are automatically assigned from one assessor to another
- Type of assessor role ie. in-house, onroad, external, senior etc.
To benefit from new rules and improve your auto allocations using Arnie, speak to the team today.
Select an alternative contact person
Arnie defaults the contact person for a job to the claimant. Now you can enter and select an alternative contact person to redirect SMS and/or emails to a preferred contact person. For example:
- When a repairer is assigned, send an SMS to the preferred contact
- When an assessor is assigned, email the preferred contact
- When a quote/repairs are authorised, SMS and email the preferred contact
Automated SMS triggers for claimants
Arnie sends automated communications including, but not limited to, SMS and emails based on event triggers or manual selection by a user. New triggers available include:
- When a vehicle has been received by the repairer (and Arnie has been notified)
- When a (cash) settlement has been completed
- When a total loss settlement (to the claimant) is completed
- Total loss confirmation to claimant
- Request to contact assessor or other representative
Improved visibility and management of reassessment jobs
Users are now able to select from a defined list of reassessment reasons for greater visibility of operations and quality control. These reasons may also trigger communications, audits or other automation:
- A reassessment date and type are available in the edit repairer details screen
- Reassessment information is now visible on the relevant assessment screen
- Datamart tables now include these attributes for inhouse reporting and dashboards
A bug has been resolved where deactivated repairers no longer need to be reactivated to schedule a reassessment. A reassessment can now be scheduled when the original repairer is no longer active, without annoying workarounds.
Enable digital assessment authority on user profiles
Administrators are now able to enable or disable the ability to perform digital assessments on a user profile. This allows managers to allocate specific types of assessments to specific roles, manually or automatically using Arnie's advanced auto-allocation rules.
Features coming soon
Increased salvage management integrations
Our customers all work with Pickles Auctions to manage salvage for total loss jobs. Whilst Arnie currently integrates with Pickles and PAIRS 2.0, we and Pickles recognise the opportunity to streamline and automate the salvage estimate process and eliminate the need for Arnie customers to log in to PAIRS and vice versa.
Early in 2024, Pickles and Arnie are excited to release minor and major improvements to improve user notifications for transfer requests where intervention may be required and to save time and mishaps when requesting and receiving valuations from Pickles.
Zone mapping using Google Maps
The ability to manage your allocation zones for both assessors and repairers is improving.
If you're family with hotel booking and other tourism sites, you can view jobs and key locations in an interactive map. Key features include:
- View jobs as a heat map
- View repair network
- View assessor locations and starting points
- Customise your zones
- Assign repairers to zones automatically or manually
- Assign assessors to zones and automatically assign jobs
- View capacity simply and at a glance
Improved total loss workflows
Almost 10% of the total jobs managed in Arnie result in a total loss. We are constantly reviewing our total loss workflow and user experience to improve integrations with Pickles and associated Arnie screens. See also Improved salvage integrations below.
New partnerships developing
Labour and Paint price benchmarking
Incessant industry challenges to standardise the method of estimating labour and paint rates have been preventing us all from automating authorising and controlling our claim costs. Whilst there are still many debates between repairers, industry professionals and insurers - Arnie's approach to increasing the number of incoming quotes with labour and paint items can be automatically authorised within a threshold, is to benchmark using an exceptional amount of quality, clean data on historical quotes authorised by insurers.
Arnie continues to speak to our integrated partners, including estimating and repair body management systems to collaborate on a repairer and insurer-friendly solution.
Guided image capture
The near future of motor claims assessment uses artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), telematics and the Internet of Things (IoT).
In a considered phased approach, we are partnering with an image/video capture expert in the field to capture guided images, designed for your customers lodging claims at FNOL, and available to assessors and repairers throughout the lifecycle of a claim. Arnie is in the analysis phase of establishing a partner with the most suitable solution and business to innovate together in the long term.
Arnie will be able to utilise structured images to:
- Automatically detect damage
- Classify the severity of damage
- Identify fraud indicators (including prevention controls)
- Improve the end customer experience through interactive technology
- Estimate the likely outcome of the claim (repair or replacement)
- Estimate the likely repair costs to determine the likely outcome of the claim
- Share these early insights with assessors, repairers, customers and other third parties
If you'd like to know more information about any of these features, please reach out to your Arnie representatives.
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