To boost your account security, we are introducing multi-factor authentication to help you better protect information from cyber-criminals. This requires all users of Arnie to have an individual user profile (ie. no shared access logins).
What you need to do now
If you are using a generic login, you will likely be asked to provide details to create a unique user profile. To create a new user profile, Arnie will require:
- First name
- Last name
- Zone
- Role(s)
- Repairer Name
If you are already using a login that is unique and shared by no one, there’s nothing you need to do now.
What happens when MFA arrives
When MFA is live, you will be required to verify your identity when you log in to Arnie via your email.
Your email address will need to be current and active in Arnie.
If you need to request a new user profile or to update your contact details, please contact your local insurer's help desk.
Arnie Software is dedicated to continuously enhancing the safety and security of our customer’s data, which includes adhering to APRA requirements commensurate with the information being protected.
For any other improvements, questions or concerns, please contact Danni Robson, Head of Product - Arnie at
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