Information, images and documents from a job can be consolidated into a shareable PDF document pack.
1. Navigate to relevant job's View Job screen
2. Click Manage Job button at bottom of the screen
3. Select Generate Recovery Pack from the listed options
4. Select the required information/documents/images to include in the combined PDF document using checkboxes
Where information is not available/relevant to a job, the select box will be greyed out
5. Click Generate PDF to generate and download a copy
6. Click Attach PDF to the job to generate and save directly to the job
Important things to note:
- Not all personal info will be redacted (i.e. from another PDF) - please review carefully
- Each individual image will appear on an individual page
- The PDF document can then be edited and handled per any PDF type of document
- You are now able to preview the document before selecting to include
- This function is currently available to all Arnie users and roles
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