This walkthrough is to guide Assessors users through the process of completing a Cash Settled claim.
Prior to this walkthrough:
- The job must be created (Register a job)
- The vehicle details must be complete
- The Job must be assigned to you as an Assessor
> Complete Damage Assessment
> Add the VIN
> Mark as Cash Settlement
To be completed by users with the role(s): Assessor
1. From the bottom of the View Job screen select the Damage Classification button
2. Locate damage location/s on the diagram and select the damage classification from the drop-down:
- LP – Light Panel
- HP – Heavy Panel
- LS – Light Structure
- HS – Heavy Structure
- M – Mechanical
3. Complete the damage checkbox and dropdown information under the diagram as required
4. Enter a written description of the damage for repair in New Damage field by clicking on it
5. If there is pre-existing damage on the vehicle click on the Old Damage tab and repeat the process.
6. Once all damage has been added click the Submit button to save. You'll be redirected to the View Job page.
The VIN number may not have been added to the Job at this stage. Be sure to add this to the vehicle details prior to moving to the next step.
7. From the View Job screen select Edit Vehicle details under the Vehicle Information section
8. Click on the Edit Vehicle tab
9. Enter the VIN number and any other fields that may need updating
10. Click Submit. You'll be re-routed back to the View Job screen
11. From the bottom of the View Job screen select Manage job
12. Click Mark as Cash Settle
13. Arnie will prompt you to complete a PPRS check on the vehicle prior to moving forward. Click OK
PPSR refers to the Personal Property Securities Register and checks for important information regarding vehicle finance, write off history, and theft related to a vehicle's VIN number. It is best practice to complete this check prior to settlement.
A note will advise of important information gathered in the PPSR throughout the remainder of the job but won't hinder completing further steps.
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