Repairers and service providers can provide invoices to insurers using Arnie via their chosen system. The integration relies on each invoice being sent as XML via email. Validation occurs to ensure data accuracy and business rules are achieved. The integration reduces the need for manual submission of an invoice which can be time-intensive.
Before starting, ensure that the repairer is registered with the insurer.
An email containing the invoice (payload) is sent to a dedicated email inbox for processing via Arnie. The subject line indicates the nature of the message. The subject and email address will be provided upon certification.
The message will include relevant details about the insurer, repairer, claim number, quoted items and dollar value of the invoice. The message content should use the standard XML format and comply with the XSD (both available via the link below).
The invoice is processed by Arnie to ensure that the following information is correct:
- Insurer brand
- claim number
- vehicle registration
- repairer has an active record in Arnie
- invoice dollar totals match the authorised quote
Arnie will return the status of the payload once processed and verified. This message will be sent via email in plain text to the same email address that sent the original payload.
New integrations are tested in one of our non-production environments. Details will be provided with new integration requests. If you have a new integration request, log a support request with our team.
Once a new integration is tested successfully, it receives certification as an approved Arnie integration and can be used by all repairers. Production details will be shared once certification has been achieved.
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