Ideally, the majority of quotes and invoices are authorised automatically using rapid authorisation rules.
Where quotes and invoices fall outside agreed amounts, the quote or invoice is available for manual review, edit or authorisation.
Role authority: Assessor, Admin, Motor Claims
Unauthorised quotes or invoices
- From any worklist where a job status filter is available, the status should be 'quote received' or 'invoice received'.
- Click or search a job no. to access the job quotes
- Scroll to view the quotes and/or invoices on the job
Authorise quote
- A quote must be in a new status and not automatically authorised (rapid repairer)
- An automatic notification email to the repairer is sent once a quote is authorised
View quote or invoice
- An editable quote is not yet authorised and has not been superseded by a new quote
- An authorised user can mark a cash settlement which voids the quote and repair authority
- Quotes and invoices may be marked as supplementary or sublet (not primary) repair works
- Click the quote number to view or the edit button to edit the quote
Edit quote
- Click 'Edit' quote on the quote to edit individual line items
- Items can be individually selected for deletion
- Individual lines can be edited with a full edit history and compare function
- New items can be added to a quote under the relevant subheading (labour, parts, miscellaneous or sublet item types - labour rates include mechanical, paint, R&R or repair)
- Delete marked items (if applicable) and save changes
- Click to go back to view the job or view quote changes (comparison)
View an invoice
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